Presque Isle Boat Tours – Lady Kate
“Our 14 mile, 90 minute, fully narrated tour ventures onto the open waters of Lake Erie and Presque Isle Bay. Enjoy sites including Erie’s historic lighthouses, Gull Point Nature Preserve, Presque Isle’s shores, Erie’s skyline, ships, beaches, wildlife and numerous other sights.” — From their website.

Presque Isle - Lady Kate Boat Tour
Tour Info:
Parking: There is Free parking available at Crystal Point near Perry’s Monument.
Fees: $18 for adults, $10 for children from 5-11 years.
Hours: Open seven days a week from 7 Days a Week with tours @ 11:00AM, 1:00PM, 3:00PM & 5:00PM
Website: More information about the Lady Kate is available here.
Directions on PCs: Locate the Google map below the search box on the right-hand side of this webpage. Click “Get Directions” on the map pin details.
Directions on Tablets and Mobile Phones: Locate the Google map near the bottom of this page, just below the search box. Click “Get Directions” on the map pin details.

There are lot’s of varied activities at Presque Isle, and to be honest I never imagined I’d be taking a boat tour of the bay. We had planned to rent a kayak at Presque Isle Boat Rentals and spend an hour paddling around on the ponds that fill the isle. We have kayaked a few times before and usually it’s a day well spent, except when its fairly windy which makes paddling quite difficult. We stopped at the kayak rental location long enough to decide we’d rather spend the day doing something other then fighting the wind in a kayak, and so we moved on down the road to Crystal Point. We saw the sign for the Lady Kate, and miraculously had about 10 minutes till the next tour departed, and so we climbed aboard as if we had planned the whole day and arrived on schedule.
With windy days you get rough seas, so the tour was limited mostly to Presque Isle Bay were the waves were much calmer then the lake.

Our tour did venture through the Erie Harbor Entrance Channel just long enough to see a few lighthouses, catch a glimpse of Beach 11 were we would swim later in the day, and spot the Flagship Niagara faintly off on the horizon.

The tour narrator had lots of interesting facts about the landmarks and lighthouses.

As we were passing back through the Harbor Channel I spotted some photographers with cameras far better then my own. I took a picture of the men with cameras because, well, why not? In the background you can see some of the huge pile of sand that is constantly dredged from the channel.

As we progressed towards Erie, PA the Narrator told us all about the best places to eat, and other activities that we might enjoy on our trip.

When we got back to Crystal Point we met some friends for Pizza that they delivered, and while eating we spotted the Niagara passing through the channel into the Bay.

After driving off the Isle and down the bayfront we found the Niagara berthed near the Eire Library.

I took a close up shot of a brave man dangling on some ropes as he secured the sails. That’s definitely not a job for me.

All in all it was a great boat tour, and FYI, it’s cheaper then renting a kayak for an hour, and a lot more relaxing!