Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Spring 2022

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Phipps is one of my favorite places to visit, especially in the winter. You can find all the necessary information about admission fees, and parking on their website, so I’ll jump straight to the photos:

The conservatory consists of multiple large connected greenhouses with each “room” consisting of a specific theme or plants from a specific climate. In the spring many of the rooms featured tulips in spectacular blooms.

About half of the rooms contain various water features, and almost every room features a tree or bush that is growing right to the edge of the glass ceilings.

Before Covid, you could roam around the rooms in random order, but the whole system of rooms has been organized into a one-way path that snakes around to encourage people to spread out.

The largest of the greenhouses holds a collection of plants particularly well suited for the Hawaiian islands, and information about the island’s culture and history is scattered about.

The conservatory is definitely worth a visit, in fact, my wife and I enjoy it so much that we opted for the membership so we could visit many times each year.