Keystone Safari
There are quite a few different animals to see at this park, so rather then just focus on the lions, tigers and bears, I’ll post the pictures in the order that I walked through the park. My path may vary significantly from yours as I’m easily distracted by shiny things and apparently monkeys & toucans.

Park Info:
Parking: There is lots of free parking available at the entrance to the park. The directions available below will take you directly to the parking lot.
Entrance Fees: Seniors and Children: $13, Adults $16, There are additional charges for feeding the animals.
What to do: Walk through Animal Park, Drive Through Safari & Zip-Line. Each item is priced separately, See their website for details:
Directions on PCs: Locate the Google map below the search box on the right-hand side of this webpage. Click “Get Directions” on the map pin details.
Directions on Tablets and Mobile Phones: Locate the Google map near the bottom of this page, just below the search box. Click “Get Directions” on the map pin details.

There are quite a few different animals to see at this park, so rather then just focus on the lions, tigers and bears, I’ll post the pictures in the order that I walked through the park. My path may vary significantly from yours as I’m easily distracted by shiny things and apparently monkeys & toucans.

Just after entering the park we spotted the butterfly exhibit, with plenty of monarch and similar butterfly’s fluttering about. We didn’t stay long however as we could hear a lion off in the distance.

Not all of the lions were loud, and some of them were more interested in taking a nap then roaring.

There were a few different locations where we spotted, and were able to feed various camels, like the one above.

Most of the animals were quite content and peaceful, other then the emu above that was quite upset with a duck who waddled into his area. The duck was interested in leaving, however the rest of his flock were on the other side of the wall, and he didn’t seem the understand that he would need to fly over the wall to be with them, and safe from the emu’s torment.

We soon moved onto a building with a motley crew of varied animals including reindeer, turtles, hamsters and snakes. There was also a very friendly dog seeming to hide out away from the crowds near the animal exhibits.

In the hamster area, I spotted a bunch of baby hamsters feeding from the bottom of the hay manger, and I couldn’t help remembering one of the original internet sensations: The Hamster Dance.

The penguin exhibit was still under construction. Bubbles was wondering around the new enclosure with her handler, who answered lots of our questions. It was a hot day and I felt bad for the poor penguin as I assumed it must be hot, but the handler explained that she was a South African penguin, so her natural climate was not much cooler then the parks.

The bear was perhaps the most difficult to get a good picture of. He constantly made it a point to look away whenever I had my camera around.

At the other end of the spectrum, some animals were quite happy to have their photo taken. The pig above appears to be smiling for his photo.

The monkeys that kept distracting me from all the other sites were also difficult to get good pictures of, but I did my best. Above you can see the monkey with the least mojo. While all the others were scampering about, this one just sat there watching me.

There is a family of giraffes with a baby that you can feed. The older male appeared to be tired of people but just interested enough to take the lettuce from their hands.

Although this green guy above was not a permanent resident of the park, he did seem to capture the attention of many park goers, as he sat on the railing next to another enclosure.
The park was a nice get away for the day, and next time I’ll be trying out the zipline for sure!